Effective WEnactment.properties
view.template | legacy |
timeout.enactment.session | 300 |
mail.smtp.port | 25 |
view.default.template | legacy |
tallis.activeAbort | true |
tallis.planAware | false |
limit.enactment.sessions | 50 |
limit.free.memory.run.gc | true |
internal.core.module | /runtime |
verbose.level | |
mail.config.FEEDBACK.subject.prefix | |
folder.applications | applications |
limit.free.memory | 10 |
limit.enactment.session.policy | expire |
folder.customisations | customisations |
mail.smtp.auth | false |
mail.smtp.host | localhost |
internal.bogus.paths | .close, .start, .page |
limit.session.managers | 100 |
tallis.preloadData | false |
internal.engine.plugins.root | /WEB-INF/engine-plugins |
limit.enactment.session.per.manager | 5 |
view.startup.application | |
internal.enactment.factory | org.cruk.struts.modules.tallis.pffactory.PfEnactmentFactory |
folder.templates | templates |
internal.engine.plugins.conf | /WEB-INF/conf |
folder.viewplugins | viewplugins |
mail.config.FEEDBACK.rcpt |
Memory information
Free memory | 543,490,048 B |
Used memory | 194,379,776 B |
Maximum available memory | 737,869,824 B |
Session information
User sessions | 146 |
Session Managers | 146 |
Enactment sessions | 0 |
Rich applications
Application name | Revision | Action |
APP | n/a | |
deontics-template | 2657 | Update |
aneurisk | 1613 | Update |
openclinical | 2656 | Update |
diabetic-foot | 2659 | Update |
phonoTest | n/a | |
openclinical-tabbed | 2664 | Update |
Last request generated errors
Failed to update application openclinical-tabbed from subversion repository. Error: svn: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL svn: Unable to open repository 'file:///home/dev/svn/tallis-apps/features/openclinical-tabbed/tallis/branches/1.7' svn: Unable to open repository 'file:///home/dev/svn/tallis-apps/features/openclinical-tabbed/tallis/branches/1.7' |